Dear friends,
Following up our letter of the 7th of September concerning inoculation we want to add some words of Hazrat Inayat Khan, Sufi Message Volume XIII Metaphysics:
“The aspect of destruction and knowing about destruction can be easier understood by something which we see in the modern science, by the medium of what they call inoculation. By putting that destructive element in one’s body, one makes one’s body disease-proof. That that particular disease is no longer a disease, but the nature of that person. That is the method of the mystic from a spiritual point of view. That death is a death so long as man is unacquainted with it. When man eats it up, then he has eaten death; death cannot eat him. Then he knows the life eternal”.
“The sign of mastery is to conquer everything that revolts one. And that is tolerance. And the souls who have attained to some degree that spiritual mastery, they will see with me, not only with people, but even with the food. They will reject nothing”.
It is such a beautiful idea: by rejecting persons or things we make our nature exclusive and by becoming exclusive we make ourselves subject to them in a way. There comes a time when they rule us, a situation when we are under them. But we are able to conquer them. That is mastery!
With loving greetings from Sattva and Kafia