The Essence of Health

Dear Friends,

Health seems to become more and more important in our lives these days. Many people are or become ill and use medicines. Our modern food does contain also less valuable nutrition and more chemicals. Murshid points out what the essence of health is and that we are able to contribute to this in a positive way very much.

“When we consider that the human body is an instrument that God created for His own experience, then what a mistake it must be to allow this body, through drugs and medicines, to become unfit for the use of the divine Spirit. It is not meant by this that medicine is never necessary. Medicine has its place; even drugs, when there is that necessity. But when a drug is used for little things that can be cured by some other means, in the end the health gets out of hand and even drugs cannot give the person rest. The best medicine is a pure diet, nourishing food, fresh air, regularity in action and repose, clearness of thought, pureness of feeling, and confidence in the perfect Being, with whom we are linked and whose expression we are. That is the essence of health. The more we realize this, the more secure will be our health”.

The Sufi Message, Volume IV: Healing and the Mind World, Part 1: “Health”

We wish you all a very healthy life.

With our heartiest greetings,
Sattva van Dorssen, Secretary of the Spiritual Healing Activity
Shamsher van Hees, Assistant Secretary, Spiritual Healing Activity