Harmony and Peace

The Spiritual Healing ActivityMonthly Teaching of the Spiritual Healing ActivityThe Five Activities of the International Sufi Movement USA
This Month's Reflection on Healing

Amidst the restless world around us, I send you words from our Master to focus on harmony and peace:

Just as for every illness there is a remedy, so for every disaster there is a reconstruction. Any effort, in whatever form and however small, made towards reconstruction or towards the betterment of conditions is worthwile, but what we need most is the understanding of that religion of religions and that philosophy of philosophies which is self-knowledge. We shall not understand the outer life if we do not understand ourselves. It is the knowledge of the self that gives the knowledge of the world.

Remember that life in the world, and especially if lived amidst the crowd, will test and try our patience every moment of the day, and it will be most difficult to preserve that harmony and peace which are all happiness.

Sufism is that art through which the music and symphony of life can be preserved, and through which man can enable himself to become the proper servant of God and humanity.
From: ”The art of being” chapter 1; pag. 2 - 3

Peace in the world starts with peace in our own hearts.
Sattva and I wish you a very peaceful Christmas and much Love and Light for 2012.

Kind regards from Kafia.