Thy Mercy and Compassion

Dear friends,

One aspect of the God-ideal that we strive to develop in the healing work is that of the beloved God, merciful and compassionate.
Hazrat Inayat Khan, Vol. IX, Unity of Religious Ideals, Part II

In the first Spiritual Healing ceremony prayer we attune to Thou … whose nature is mercy and compassion, and in the two final prayers we ask, out of Thy [God’s] mercy and compassion, for others to be healed.

Murshid Inayat explains that God has many names: the Great, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Sovereign, but he is always called Merciful and Compassionate.

He also tells us, "I have seen in my life that it is not difficult to have occult or psychic powers; to be virtuous, to keep our life pure, is not very difficult. To be merciful, to be compassionate, is difficult: it is difficult to be human."
Hazrat Inayat Khan, Vol. VIII, Sufi Teachings, The Privilege of Being Human

And, in the Vadan (Alankaras), Murshid includes the short prayer, "Send on humanity, Lord, the shower of Thy mercy and compassion."


Set aside some time to attune to the beloved God, merciful and compassionate.

Allow yourself to feel or imagine that Murshid’s prayer is being answered and you are being showered - washed, filled, surrounded, enveloped - with great mercy, compassion, tenderness and kindness.

Extend the shower of God’s mercy and compassion to others, near and far.

With Loving Greetings from Shakti and Shamsher

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