Thy Instrument

Dear friends,

This month we look at being and becoming God’s instruments for healing. In an address on Spiritual Healing (Volume 8, Chapter 23), Murshid reminds us:

God alone is the healer; those who minister will only truly heal when they keep this truth always before them, for it is not the solid wood that makes the flute, it is the empty reed. The healer is only the instrument which God Himself is using and, in so far as he can put aside his own lower personality and dedicate and consecrate his life to the great service, will he be successful in the work he has undertaken. …we grow into the likeness of that which we habitually contemplate. Therefore constant and habitual contemplation of the perfect ideal, dwelling in thought upon the attributes of divine beauty, keeping the heart tuned to the note of love and harmony, and making this the practice of daily life, the mind still and calm, the heart pure and open so that it can reflect the perfect Will – this should be the aim of life of the one who aspires to serve humanity as a spiritual healer.


In the second prayer of the Spiritual Healing ceremony, we pray to be of service “as instruments of Thy divine love and light”.

And in the third prayer we not only appeal to God to “Make us worthy to be Thy instruments”, but also say the reason we want this – “so that in turn we may free others from pain and suffering, and that we may reflect upon all of humanity Thy light, Thy life, Thy joy and Thy peace”.

Take a moment to reflect on Murshid’s teaching and on these words in the prayers. Notice any thoughts and feelings that arise in relation to being God’s instrument. Consider whether there is anything that might help you to become a better instrument of God? Is there anything you may need to let go of?

With Loving Greetings,
Shakti and Shamsher

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